Hour 48 – We’re Done!

You guys! We made it!!!!! Not only did we make it, we werked it.

Okay, well, the readathon is done, but we’ve got a few quick things to get out of the way, like some winners!

First, the winner of the Welcome Intro Survey challenge is:

Lauren Cripps

And the winner of the Hour 42 Favorites challenge is:

Aya Sato

If you won a challenge giveaway during the ‘thon, expect an email from me this week to confirm which prize you want and all that nitty gritty stuff.

Next, what would an Intro survey be if there wasn’t a Closing survey to go along with it? No prize for this one but your answers will help make this readathon even better next time. The last time we did one of these there were close to 200 readers; for this go-around, you guys more than doubled that number (I know, I can hardly believe it myself). So with that kind of growth, I want to make sure this is as wonderful an experience as possible.

In the comments or on your own online space linked in the comments, please tell me:

  1. How many books did you read? Pages? (If you didn’t keep track, tell me that too!)
  2. How many hours did you read?
  3. What do you think worked well in this readathon?
  4. What do you think could be done to improve the readathon for next time?
  5. Will you participate in a future 24in48 readathon?

Also, I want to just say thank you to all of you readers – all 462 of you – who participated and tweeted and ‘grammed and YouTubed and generally spread the word about this amazing weekend of reading. Just a few years ago, this readathon had barely a few dozen participants, and I’m so excited that so many of you jumped in and made this readathon the fantastic weekend that it is. I hope you had as much fun as I did. You guys rule. Meryl thinks so too.

Last but not least, mark your calendars. The next official 24in48 readathon will be on

July 23-24, 2016

Can’t wait to see you then!


34 thoughts on “Hour 48 – We’re Done!

  1. acidpopsnlemondrops says:

    1.6 books in total. But two were less than 150 pages.
    2. I completed 24 hours. Not lying. I slept for just 4 hours on Sunday
    3.Just about everything. The challenges and stuff.
    4. Cuz this was my first readathon. I actually enjoyed it.
    5.I definitely want to.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Karen says:

    1. 6 books total. 3 novels, 2 graphic novels and one novelette.
    2. Just about 17 hours.
    3. I think everything was just swell.
    4. Why fix something that ain’t broken.
    5. Yep.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. First, thank you so much for hosting this fabulous readathon! I loved it! I didn’t get to read as many hours as I wanted to since it was the Hubby’s weekend off but still had fun. I look forward to the next one. ☺

    How many books did you read? About 2 Pages? 567

    How many hours did you read?
    12 hours and 15 minutes

    What do you think worked well in this readathon?
    Checking in to the website every 6 hours for a challenge.

    What do you think could be done to improve the readathon for next time?
    I thought it was great just the way it was. 😊 Sometimes doing too much defeats the purpose of the readathon…to read.

    Will you participate in a future 24in48 readathon?
    Of course! I wouldn’t miss it!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. 1. How many books did you read? 4 prose books (about 950 pages), 4 audiobooks (about 6 hours), 5 graphic novels, and 8 comic books.

    2. How many hours did you read? 24 hours. With adequate food, sleep, and even hung out with some friends for a couple of hours.

    3. What do you think worked well in this readathon? Hashtags. Powerful stuff. Got to get in touch with and interact with SO many of the participants, getting book recs, the challenges and updates from @24in48Readathon and Rachel via all social media, and being able to connect with other people that were just as excited about and obsessed with books as I am. Such a sense of community, it was wonderful. The challenges were so fun! So whatever you’re doing, keep doing it. I also especially like that you have already announced the dates to the next one, it’s in my calendar already 🙂

    4. What do you think could be done to improve the readathon for next time? Hmm…I don’t know. I liked everything about it. Also, it was my first readathon so I don’t know how much you did things differently from the last one.

    5. Will you participate in a future 24in48 readathon? HELL YEAH.


  5. How many books did you read? Pages? (If you didn’t keep track, tell me that too!) I read 6 1/2 books and 1751 pages
    How many hours did you read? I read about 13.5 hours.
    What do you think worked well in this readathon? You are a boss, Rachel. You know how I feel. 😀
    What do you think could be done to improve the readathon for next time? nothing on your end. I should buckle down more.
    Will you participate in a future 24in48 readathon? You know I will.


  6. I didn’t keep track of pages but I had read 3 books and was onto my 4th.
    I read for around 14 hours in total.
    I thought everything worked well. The surveys were great and were spaced really well. The hashtag and social media side was brilliant as everyone was able to connect with other readers, learn about what they were reading, get encouragement etc. I also loved the fact that this readathon actually LET you have a life aside from the reading. You could get some sleep, eat, shop, clean, fo whatever you wanted or needed to do, without worrying that you were wasting time and was messing up your hours.
    Honestly, I wouldn’t change a thing. I think everything worked brilliantly and incredibly smoothly.
    Of course I’ll be participating in the next readathon! I’ve already put it into my calendar and reminders and alarms have been set!
    Thank you so much for creating this readathon. I had a fantastic time 🙂


  7. How many books did you read? YEAH! I made it through finishing one book, from page 120 to around 470+ and then a second book of 520 plus, and 50 pages so far into a third!

    Pages? I didn’t keep track but by entering it into Goodreads I could find out exactly BUT, minimimally, I know over 900 for sure!

    How many hours did you read? Total hours looks like 7 hours 19 minutes. WOW! With 13 – 16 more hours, probably at leas 2 more books! This is a good gauge to see what is capable next time with setting aside more of the second day as I did the first (which is what happened!) – Steeler football happened! LOL

    What do you think worked well in this readathon? The hashtags and using this site, kept it simple and not complicated doing too many things to post things, very effieicent, not complicated.

    What do you think could be done to improve the readathon for next time? Hmmm, nothing really, posible to add something that we enter in page 3’s in as we go to see our progress? (Like NANO) But again, using Goodreads alongside this helped alot to do that!)

    Will you participate in a future 24in48 readathon? 100% Absolutely!

    Thank you so so much!


  8. Jennifer says:

    First of all thank you very much for hosting this great event ❤

    1How many books did you read? Pages?
    I read 2 books and a half. About 950 pages

    How many hours did you read?
    In total I read 20 hours, so next time 24 😉

    What do you think worked well in this readathon?
    That you posted a new challenge every 6 hours and the hashtag.

    What do you think could be done to improve the readathon for next time?
    Everything was really good.

    Will you participate in a future 24in48 readathon? Yes absolutely! But not in the next one 😵 I am on a scouts camp and there you can’t just read 24 hours.

    Thank you 😘


  9. i only managed to get through one book approx 450 pgs. im an average speed reader and a few things interupted my second day. i read approx 15 hrs, which for me is damn good. i average 3 hrs a day reading time.

    i liked the 6hr updates and competitions. I also liked the suggestions for preparing for the readathon.

    i think a few improvements could be made. It would be cool if there was a clock & timer so we could log our reading times. as i was in australia we were having a heat wave (100F) can we do another one in june july for our winter?

    i will definitely do this next year!!


  10. Aya Sato says:

    How many books did you read? Pages? 3 books. 729 pages.
    How many hours did you read? 14hrs & 23mins of active reading.
    What do you think worked well in this readathon? I think the challenges and updates worked well and were well spaced. My last readathon had updates and challenges on the hour and I found I wasted away my precious time checking on those rather than partaking in active reading.
    What do you think could be done to improve the readathon for next time? Nothing comes to mind. I think everything worked well. ^_^ Thanks for all your time and effort! It’s been great.
    Will you participate in a future 24in48 readathon? Most definitely! Well, as long as there aren’t any extenuating circumstances.


  11. I didn’t keep track of my hours, because my weekend kinda went wrong quite early on, but I DID manage to read 117 pages, plus 18% of an ebook. Miniscule, I know, but I had a headache all weekend so reaaaaaally I was quite pleased I managed that much. 🙂

    I really liked the every-six-hour approach to checking in over here, and the simple challenges. It was just the right balance between fun stuff/updating and actual reading time. I wouldn’t change a thing next time around – and hopefully I WILL be along for the ride in July, and do better this time!


  12. Kacie from A Bumble in Books says:

    Thank you for hosting, Rachel! It was a blast!
    How many books did you read? Pages? (If you didn’t keep track, tell me that too!) – I read 3 books for a total of 937 pages.
    How many hours did you read? – I read about 22 hours. SO CLOSE.
    What do you think worked well in this readathon? – The challenges are very original and are offered often enough to allow readers from all over to participate.
    What do you think could be done to improve the readathon for next time? – Nothing! It’s great.
    Will you participate in a future 24in48 readathon? – Yep! See you in July!


  13. How many books did you read? Pages? (If you didn’t keep track, tell me that too!) I read 9 books and 1,396 pages
    How many hours did you read? 18!
    What do you think worked well in this readathon? All the things 🙂 I like that the challenges are simple and aren’t so distracting that I spend so much time completing them and not enough time reading. And I like that the check-ins are spaced out every 6 hours. I think that that was a good pace at which to regroup.
    What do you think could be done to improve the readathon for next time? I hope next time more people get involved on twitter/instagram with the hash tag (nothing you can really do about that though), because I think it really adds to the excitement when everyone’s tweeting away about their progress.
    Will you participate in a future 24in48 readathon? YES YES YES. Love it. Thank you so much for hosting; it was fabulous as always!!


  14. radespins says:

    How many books did you read? Pages? (If you didn’t keep track, tell me that too!) – I read 4 books and 430 pages.

    How many hours did you read? 10 hours

    What do you think worked well in this readathon? Well this was my first readathon so I don’t have anything to compare it to, but I liked the check-in times and the little challenges.

    What do you think could be done to improve the readathon for next time? I think it is GREAT the way it is.

    Will you participate in a future 24in48 readathon? You bet!!! 🙂


  15. How many books did you read? Pages? I finished 3 books and am still working on 2. I read a total of 926 pages and listened to one hour of audio.
    How many hours did you read? 14! I can’t believe I read that much.
    What do you think worked well in this readathon? I liked that the updates were spread out in 6 hour increments and I liked the Twitter hashtag.
    What do you think could be done to improve the readathon for next time? I really enjoyed it. This was my first time participating and it was really stress-free. I can’t think of anything to add or change.
    Will you participate in a future 24in48 readathon? Yes, because it is stress-free and you can choose how active you want to be. Even though I did not make it to 24 hours, I still do not feel like a failure. I hesitated to sign up,because reading for 24 hours would be unlikely for me, but I am glad I signed up! There was no pressure or guilt in not making it. Many people were like me and just read until they could read no more and we felt like we accomplished alot. I really enjoyed it!
    Thanks for hosting!


  16. How many books did you read? Pages? 3 books and a few comic books. 730 pages
    How many hours did you read? 19 hours
    What do you think worked well in this readathon? The twitter community!
    What do you think could be done to improve the readathon for next time? There could probably be more frequent check-ins and challenges if you were to outsource them to other blogs. Obviously that’s too much for one person!
    Will you participate in a future 24in48 readathon? Absolutely!

    Thanks so much for hosting, it was a lot of fun!


  17. How many books did you read? Pages?
    I read one book & a few chapters of another. 569 pages in total

    How many hours did you read?
    9 hours & 14 minutes (I get distracted easily so I’m happy with this)

    What do you think worked well in this readathon?
    I loved the tweets (had notifications on) and the updates

    What do you think could be done to improve the readathon for next time?
    I’m not entirely sure, this was my first readathon and it was really awesome 🙂

    Will you participate in a future 24in48 readathon?
    Heck yes, I’m gonna reach that full 24 hours!


  18. Dani Moth says:

    How many books did you read? Pages? – I read one whole book, and two half-books, for a total of 435 pages… which is about an average two-day marathon for me, and I’m particularly surprised and pleased with that because two of the books I read were an absolute drag.

    How many hours did you read? – I paused right at 24 hours, because I was at the end of a chapter anyhow.

    What do you think worked well in this readathon? – I enjoyed the sense of camaraderie rather than competition, I liked talking to people on Twitter and Instagram and in the comments here. I’m always a sucker for things that give me the opportunity to make new friends with common interests.

    What do you think could be done to improve the readathon for next time? – I was a little confused whether I should start and end at Midnight in my timezone or in yours, at first. I was only an hour behind you, so it wasn’t a big deal at all. I also didn’t really like all the photo challeges, just because (for me) it takes too much time away from reading to set up a good photo with lighting, composition, etc.

    Will you participate in a future 24in48 readathon? – Absolutely! It was a fun challenge.


  19. Suzze says:

    1. I read 3 books start to finish and parts of 4 others. Total pages 1152.

    2. I read for 22 hours. Last year I made it all 24, but this year I just got so sleepy I finally gave up at 22. I also was more relaxed about it this year. Last year I turned off the timer every time I stopped reading even for a second. This year’s total included bathroom breaks, and running to get the food (I pre-prepared everything LOL).

    3. Loved the hashtags, made it so easy to track everyone’s reading/thoughts. And so many more people seemed to use them.

    4. Everything was great! I mistakenly didn’t post a link to you for my book poetry, but that was MY own fault. And it was great to take a break from reading for a bit to do the poetry!

    5. YES! YES! YES! Already written on my calendar.


  20. How many books did you read? Pages?
    I’ve read 4 and a half books. 802 pages in total

    How many hours did you read?
    I honestly have no idea. I didn’t put a timer on, I just tried to read as much as I could.

    What do you think worked well in this readathon?
    Social media, mostly twitter (cause I was active there). I loved seeing so much fellow readers joining in 🙂

    What do you think could be done to improve the readathon for next time?
    From your end, for me it was perfect…There wasn’t so much challenges, so it didn’t took so much time from my reading..I’ll just have to be more organized and read much more in the future 🙂

    Will you participate in a future 24in48 readathon?
    Of course, can’t wait for another one 🙂


  21. Krista says:

    How many books did you read? Pages? (If you didn’t keep track, tell me that too!)
    How many hours did you read?

    I finished four books I was varying amounts already through (Ready Player One, At Home in Mitford, and All the Light We Cannot See) and started one more (The Lake House). I read 12 hours and 56 minutes. I didn’t keep track of pages because I was reading on my iPad and also using physical books and Audible — too complicated!

    What do you think worked well in this readathon?

    What do you think could be done to improve the readathon for next time?
    Hmmmm. I don’t know. This was my first time so I can’t say.

    Will you participate in a future 24in48 readathon?


  22. How many books did you read? Pages? (If you didn’t keep track, tell me that too!)
    7 books–Books 2-8 of the Anne of Green Gables series (I just read the first one last summer so I didn’t feel like I needed to revisit it again so soon). I didn’t keep track of pages.

    How many hours did you read?
    About 23 hours. 3 of those were a non-Anne-related audio book.

    What do you think worked well in this readathon?
    I enjoyed the social media component of the readathon. I liked that everyone was encouraging and supportive on the various social media platforms, and having the hashtags made it easy to find like minded readers this weekend. The readathon fell on a weekend when my husband was out of town and I had no plans, so I had a lot of dedicated reading time that I might not otherwise have had.

    What do you think could be done to improve the readathon for next time?
    Everything was great from your end. I’ll try to remember to check back in to the website for surveys and giveaways and such next time–completely spaced on that this weekend!

    Will you participate in a future 24in48 readathon?
    I’d love to!


  23. How many books did you read? Pages? About three books. 1084 pages in total.

    How many hours did you read? 10.5, which is pretty good for me 🙂

    What do you think worked well in this readathon? The six hour check ins.

    What do you think could be done to improve the readathon for next time? Nothing! I think it was great the way it was.

    Will you participate in a future 24in48 readathon? Definitely 🙂


  24. cmorrow says:

    1. I finished four books and made good progress on a 5th. I didn’t keep track of pages.
    2. I made it the full 24 but just barely 🙂
    3. I really like the six hour check-ins. They are just frequent enough that they come up when I’m starting to fade but not so frequent that they are distracting.
    4. I have nothing helpful to suggest.
    5. Definitely!! I’m putting the next one in my calendar already.


  25. 1 I finish 6 books and read 1628 pages including the 94 of the last book
    2. I read a total of 24 hours
    3. That it allow us to read at our own time, that we could took breaks between hours so we will not be extremely tired and we could focus
    4. So far I like it but I will like a specific tag in twitter there was some confusion for me around them.
    5. Oh yes….


  26. 1.How many books did you read? Pages? 2 full books
    2.How many hours did you read? around 18, I was interrupted too frequently for my liking
    3.What do you think worked well in this readathon? First one I’ve done, so it all worked for me!
    4.What do you think could be done to improve the readathon for next time? Nothing, it worked great
    5.Will you participate in a future 24in48 readathon? Definitely


  27. Carolyn says:

    I finished 6 novels, and 2 1/2 short stories for 1,445 pages (and 2 hrs & 16 minutes of an audiobook) during the full 24 hours. I think the challenges were not only fun but also a nice way to build up the community of ‘thoners. I thought they were varied nicely, and the blog posts leading up to the start were great, too. I know this was a huge leap in numbers for you from the past, so I’m sure it was a lot of work on your part! Thank you for all the time on this!

    So, for suggestions, I’m wondering if we could have an intro post (even though people were obviously signing up close to and after the start) where people can share their pile of books pictures and maybe do a little “what I read normally” sort of thing, maybe with a link to their profile wherever they’ll be chatting during the readathon, so that people could try and connect beforehand. I know I struggled (my own inadequacy at this) reading and also connecting. I loved the hashtag, but I didn’t get to it enough to make any new connections the way I do during twitter book club events. I know I was following the main account and loved that I could at least get glimpses of what others were doing with retweets and such, so if there were more of that, I would enjoy it. The other thing I thought would be fun is if you had sort of (known in advance) check-in about the favorite quote from what you’d read in the previous however-many hours before. I love quotes, and it’s a fun way for people to share what their reading and give a rec to others.

    I think that’s it! THANK YOU again! I will definitely be back for the next one. Sweating away during the summer and looking for an escape no doubt. 🙂


    • Carolyn says:

      Just realized I left one book off my page calculation, Dumplin’s 384 pages. I didn’t know if you wanted the info for a reason, so just correcting it in case. New total: 1,829


  28. First, let me say how much I love #24in48! It is a well run event, and I love connecting with other readers (as well as setting extra time aside for my reading). On to the questions:
    1. I finished 2 complete books and read parts of 2 others
    2. I read 13 total hours, which is an improvement over the 8 I read last June!
    3. I love the mini challenges and checking in on the Twitter hashtag.
    4. I was surprised more people weren’t taking advantage of the connection potentials – maybe next time some sort of mini challenge to foster connections?
    5. I will absolutely participate again (depending on my schedule). I did just write the next one in my calendar!!

    Thanks again for hosting such an amazing event!


  29. 1. How many books did you read? Pages? I read 3 books and started a fourth. Total of 929 pages read!

    2. How many hours did you read? about 16

    3. What do you think worked well in this readathon? I really liked the check ins every 6 hours and being able to follow the #24in48 tag to see what everyone else was reading.

    4. What do you think could be done to improve the readathon for next time? Can’t think of anything!

    5. Will you participate in a future 24in48 readathon? Definitely!

    I also have a followup post on my blog with reviews of each book I read and what I learned from my first readathon! http://sarahs-booknook.tumblr.com/post/137622983665/24in48-readathon-wrap-up


  30. Read for 10.7 hours = 516 pages. Finished one book, read one book, and got 2/3 through another book. I do plan to participate in the future. This is the FIRST time I have ever timed myself or tracked pages read. It was rather interesting to do that. Perhaps I won’t be sick and will actually hit it hard next time! 🙂


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