Heyo, 24-Hour Prize Pack Winners!

Hey there, kids, sports fans, and readers! Is everyone recovering from the readathon last weekend? I know we promised this announcement sooner, but life (as it does) got in the way. But we’re here and I’ve got some winners to announce.

So many of you completed a full 24 hours of reading and we are super impressed with some of you who even went a bit beyond that. But even more significantly, we welcomed 2,700 readers. TWO THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED readers. That’s 800 more than our previous record!!! We are utterly blown away by the enthusiasm for this little readathon and we were thrilled to read along with each and every one of you. Thank you for making this edition of 24in48 such a resounding success.

Now, down to the best part. Here are the winners of our prize packs:

Prize Pack #1

Megan (Megalinity)

Prize Pack #2

Daria Poe

Prize Pack #3

Brandy Smith

Prize Pack #4

Sarah Flourance

Prize Pack #5

Maggie Delancey

International Prize Pack #1

Kathy Trithardt

International Prize Pack #2

Susy @salsa_susy

Winners, expect to see an email from 24in48 shortly and congratulations to all of you, whether you hit 24 hours or 2 hours, and we’ll see everyone back here in July!