Heyo, 24-Hour Prize Pack Winners!

Hey there, kids, sports fans, and readers! Is everyone recovering from the readathon last weekend? I know we promised this announcement sooner, but life (as it does) got in the way. But we’re here and I’ve got some winners to announce.

So many of you completed a full 24 hours of reading and we are super impressed with some of you who even went a bit beyond that. But even more significantly, we welcomed 2,700 readers. TWO THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED readers. That’s 800 more than our previous record!!! We are utterly blown away by the enthusiasm for this little readathon and we were thrilled to read along with each and every one of you. Thank you for making this edition of 24in48 such a resounding success.

Now, down to the best part. Here are the winners of our prize packs:

Prize Pack #1

Megan (Megalinity)

Prize Pack #2

Daria Poe

Prize Pack #3

Brandy Smith

Prize Pack #4

Sarah Flourance

Prize Pack #5

Maggie Delancey

International Prize Pack #1

Kathy Trithardt

International Prize Pack #2

Susy @salsa_susy

Winners, expect to see an email from 24in48 shortly and congratulations to all of you, whether you hit 24 hours or 2 hours, and we’ll see everyone back here in July!

HOUR 48: Fin!


It’s officially the end of this #24in48 and whew boy, what a great readathon it was. You guys did amazing and so many (SO. MANY.) of you finished a full 24 hours of reading. And literally everyone read some fantastic books this weekend. I’m sure there was some stellar naps and snacks happening too (I know there were, I saw your social media posts).

As always, we’ve got some business to finish before you all collapse into bed (except you still reading over there. Yes, you Liberty.)

Announcing the winners of the Hour 42 Swiss Army Rec Challenge:

Carrie Wilson

Lauren Duke

Sarah O’Leary


Jessica Dinan

Natalia Varela

Rebecca Anderson

Emileigh Latham

Maggie Burns

Kellyanne @ellarebee

Madison DeJulio

Thia @thia.reads.a.lot

If you won here, go to the Prize Page and pick out your top three choices. Don’t forget to go check previous posts to see if you won a door prize or challenge task!

Don’t forget to go add all the books you read during readathon to our tracker (and go check out Goodreads to see what your fellow readathon-ers were flipping through this weekend).

Next, mark your calendars. The next round of readathon will be held on…

July 20-21, 2019

Now we’d love to know how the readathon worked for you. We’d love to know what went well and what didn’t and how we might make it better. Your feedback helps us produce an event that’s as enjoyable for everyone as possible.

Lastly, if you managed to read a full 24 hours, you’re eligible to win a prize pack (announced here), courtesy of some of our fantastic donors. Fill out the form below to provide proof of your full 24 hours read BEFORE midnight ET on Tuesday, January 29th. We’ll announce the winners of those packs next week. (Don’t forget that you must include a link directly to the proof post, not to your profile or to a story that will disappear).

Once again, we are so thrilled you were able to join us this weekend and we hope you had an amazing couple of days full of great books, yummy snacks, and few interruptions. We’ll see you back here in July! Now we’re gonna go pass out for 12 hours.


HOUR 45: Friends Forever

Ok, friends. Fair warning: I’m happy, I’m book-drunk, I spent the weekend working on one of the most amazing book projects I know of with two of the most amazing women I know. I’m about to get sappy on you.

See, the thing about #24in48 is that it’s more than just a reading event. It’s a worldwide, simultaneous readalong. It’s a chance to share your love of books with other readers. It’s also a chance to get to know those other readers. And sure, those bookternet friendships may start on the internet, but they can blossom into so, so much more.

So as we stare down the last few hours of another #24in48, let’s take a moment to appreciate the community of this weekend. The incredible people all around the world who love books just as much as you do. The internet friendships that become lifelong friendships. Here’s to all of you.

If you stuck through all that sappiness to the very end, you’re in luck! Because I’ve got more door prize winners for you:

Julianne @ Outlandish Lit

Christie Aguasin

Viktoria Metodieva

Danielle Rocha Gonzales 

Kate Waggoner

Rachel Rencher

Samantha Garrett

Chantel McCray

Janice Friedel

Dominique Marlow

Check out the Prize Page to select your prize. And don’t forget to check the past hourly posts to see if you won an earlier door or challenge prize.

co-hosts Kerry, Rachel, and Kristen offer cheers from a boat in a selfie taken by Kristen

Cheers from your three co-hosts!

And now I’m off to the books, sending bookish love to all of you and to my fellow co-hosts around the world.

Reminder: This 24in48, we’re trying to log every book read this weekend! Track your books as you finish them here, and follow along on Goodreads!

HOUR 42: What’s your swiss army book rec? [Challenge]

It’s Hour 42, and if you’ve been here before you know that that means: It’s time for our last challenge, and for some Kristen feelings.

Hour 42 means you’ve done the damn thing all the way through, and that this is my last post, and that we’re wrapping up another round of my favorite weekend on the internet until six months from now.

janet cryingI have a lot of feelings around this hour of the ‘thon, because I never want it to end AND I am exhausted AND maybe I’ve cried a bit because you’re all so wonderful AND Kerry and Rachel are the best AND other very important complicated reasons. I CONTAIN MULTITUDES.

Mostly, though, I’m glad you’re here. I’m glad you joined us. I’m eternally grateful for this event, my cohosts, and every single one of you readers the world over.

Whether you’re cramming through those last few hours to hit your goal, finish that book, or just generally see this thing through to the end, we know you’ve got some gifs of celebration/applause to share with the winners of our Hour 36 challenge (head over to the prize page to stake your claim, winners!):

Jamie E.

Jules Q @phreneticmind

Becca Scott

Ariel Kirst

Erin Feinstein

Cecilia Grip

Angela N

Chelsea Stephens

Jackie Edwards

Sarah Flourance

Taylor Worley


To round out this shindig, we want you to tell us about your favorite swiss army pick. If you’re not familiar with the lingo, all that means is tell us The Book That You Recommend To Everyone, no matter their book preferences or whether or not they’re generally “a reader”.

You know what we mean, the book you can give your grandma to read and your best friend and your partner and that coworker who stops by your desk and says “So, you read a lot, right? What should I read?”…and no other information.

Here are ours:



If you’re posting a photo of your entry on social media, don’t forget to use the official hashtag #24in48 so other readers can find you, and tag us so we can see!

For this challenge entry, like the others, post your entry on social media/your blog and drop the link in the form. Don’t forget to identify yourself and jot down where we can find you this weekend to validate your entry. We’ll post the winners of this challenge in six hours (Hour 48), so make sure you check back after you entered to see if you won!

Reminder: This 24in48, we’re trying to log every book read this weekend! Track your books as you finish them here, and follow along on Goodreads!

HOUR 39: Everybody Move!

Remember when Andre the Giant parts the crowd for Inigo Montoya in The Princess Bride? He’s so imposing that all he has to do is shout and everyone scatters:

“Everybody move!”

Well, picture me shouting this at you. Not that you have to scatter, of course, but this far into the ‘thon, it’s time to get up and move around. Have a little dance party, get yourself a glass of water, go for a walk around the block, do some downward-facing dog, find a new reading spot, shake out your arms, stretch your neck and back. Whatever your fancy, find a way to move, adjust, and realign yourself for the home stretch of this magical weekend. Because we’ve got less than 10 hours to go!

Before you all get up to move, check out this hour’s door prize winners:

Cassandra Lozano

Erin Walton

Dida Hernandez

Rebecca Bailey

Meg lawson

Jill Kilgore

Rob Brock

Lilli Burril

Nancy Wiseman

Kendra Winchester

Check out the Prize Page to claim your prize if your name was pulled here (and be sure to check the past hourly posts to see if you won a previous door or challenge prize, too).

And now, MOVE!

Dance Party!

Reminder: This 24in48, we’re trying to log every book read this weekend! Track your books as you finish them here, and follow along on Goodreads!


HOUR 36: What’s Your Favorite Food-related Book? [Challenge]

OK, y’all. It’s the final countdown. We’re 3/4 of the way through this thing, and are amazed by every single one of you. Whether you’ve read for two hours or 20 so far, you’re a champion in our eyes, and we love hanging out with you. If you haven’t been, be sure to drop in on the hashtag (#24in48) every once in a while to see what your fellow readers are up to and cheer them on!

Before we continue, it’s time to announce the winners of our Hour 30 challenge! Give your best gif celebration to these readers, and if you see your name below head over to the prize page to stake your claim:

Gretchen Larson

Rachel Purtteman

Allison (@technoblueberry)

Thea Fransen

Susy (@salsa_susy)

Jennifer Edwards

Lynne Kramer

Erin Coughlin

Chessa Hickox

Amanda Leff

Kara Middleton

Brianna Flores

Now is the point of the ‘thon where my brain gets consumed by all the snacks I’ve eaten thus far, and whatever meal is coming next. This year, I’m hanging out in Kerry’s house in the woods, which is always the best because her partner spends the whole weekend leaving us alone to read while making us gads of food.

It usually looks something like this (and yes, that bread is also homemade. I mean, c’mon):

inkedscreenshot of kevin's bread_li (2)

A screenshot of an instagram post of a charcuterie board

Since I’m thinking about food already, for today’s recommendation challenge I want to hear about your favorite, most loved, best ever food-related book.

This can be a food memoir, a collection of food writings, the cookbook that is so food-splattered and stained and falling apart but you’ll never replace it and can’t live without it, the cocktail recipe book that lives on your bar (and that you actually use). Here are a few of ours:

food posts

If you’re posting a photo of your entry on social media, don’t forget to use the official hashtag #24in48 so other readers can find you and add your series to their TBR, and tag us so we can see!

For this challenge entry, like the others, post your entry on social media/your blog and drop the link in the form. Don’t forget to identify yourself and jot down where we can find you this weekend to validate your entry. We’ll post the winners of this challenge in six hours (Hour 42), so make sure you check back after you entered to see if you won!

Don’t forget to check past posts to see if you’ve won, and visit the prize page if you have!

Reminder: This 24in48, we’re trying to log every book read this weekend! Track your books as you finish them here, and follow along on Goodreads!

HOUR 33: We’re on to Day Two!

I’m awake! I’m awake! It’s 9am here at HQ, and co-hosts Kristen and I are officially starting Day 2 (Rachel has been on Day 2 for a while now because she’s in the future, a.k.a. time zones are crazy like that). We’re showered, we’re coffee-ed, we’re curled up with our laptops and book stacks, and we’re ready to go.

I love these morning hours because it’s the time when the three of us are all awake at the same time, comparing notes and handing off tasks and trying to make things operate as smoothly as possible on the backend. But I also love the morning hours because they are full of a new, fresh (and hopefully well-rested!) energy for those of us just waking up. And we can help recharge those of you who have been going strong for hours while we all slept the night away!

While we’re all three awake, then, let’s hear the all of it. What’s the best book you’ve read so far? Have you made any new bookternet friends? Added things to your TBR list? Taken a bunch of naps? Eaten the best snacks? Do tell, do tell.

And, lest you thought I forgot, I’m coming at you with some fresh door prize winners:

Melissa Railey

Barbara Walker

Katie Charles

Kelly Grissel

Kate Kaput

Nicole Sinclair

Libby Gregory

Kailee McMahon

Heather Horgan

Pamela Horton

As per the usual, check out the Prize Page to select your swag if your name’s listed above, and don’t forget to check the past hourly posts to see if you won an earlier door or challenge prize.

Reminder: This 24in48, we’re trying to log every book read this weekend! Track your books as you finish them here, and follow along on Goodreads!

HOUR 30: Your Favorite Series [Challenge]

Hello, hello, hello, readers! I hope you can hear me over the sound of the coffee percolating, or the kettle boiling, or whatever other morning ritual you’re in the middle of.

cat coffee.gif

A cat leaning against a counter with a cup of coffee

By the official timeclock, it’s 6AM on day two, my favorite day of the readathon. Day two feels a bit cozier, as we all hunker down and try to hit 24 hours (or whatever our personal goals are). Currently, Kerry and I are hunkered on a couch in her house in the woods, buried under blankets and dogs and cats and consuming all the coffee.

Like I said last year, over the years, your three hosts have progressively retreated from everyone who isn’t ‘thonning on 24in48 weekend…and I’m not mad about it. This community and these weekends are our favorites; reading for the sake of reading with readers the world over is the most important aspect of this weekend. You’re here because you want to read and connect, and that’s a beautiful win, no matter how many hours you read or don’t.


All smooshy feelings aside, it’s time to kick off our day two challenges! Today, we’re gonna follow a bit of a theme: book recommendations.

First up, we want to hear about your favorite series. YA, SFF, Mystery, Kidlit, it doesn’t matter. We want to see and hear about your favorite series, and what makes it so wonderful.


Cohost Kristen’s challenge entry: NK Jemisin’s Broken Earth Trilogy

If you’re posting a photo of your entry on social media, don’t forget to use the official hashtag #24in48 so other readers can find you and add your series to their TBR, and tag us so we can see!

For this challenge entry, like the others, post your entry on social media/your blog and drop the link in the form. Don’t forget to identify yourself and jot down where we can find you this weekend to validate your entry.

OK here we go TGP

Michael from The Good Place saying “Here We Go”


We’ll post the winners of this challenge in six hours (Hour 36), so make sure you check back after you entered to see if you won!

Hit us with those recommendations, and get back to the books!

Reminder: This 24in48, we’re trying to log every book read this weekend! Track your books as you finish them here, and follow along on Goodreads!

HOUR 27: Do the Thing!

We’re past the halfway point, and you all are DOING THE THING. Gosh, my bookish little heart could just explode with happiness (in my dreams, of course, because in my time zone, it’s 3am and I am definitely, absolutely fast asleep).

(This is me, cheering for you all right now.)

If it’s not the middle of the night where you are (or even if it is! Some people don’t need sleep as much as I do, I suppose…), check in and let us all know how it’s going. What are you reading? How are you feeling? What’s been the best part so far?

And if you have a few minutes, don’t forget to take a glance at the #24in48 hashtag to cheer on other participants. You might even connect with someone else in your time zone for real-time chats.

Don’t worry, I didn’t forget to pull some new door prize winners before I headed to bed for the night.

Mallory (@maladymilady)

Katie (@kjrogers3)

Claudia Rollo

Kendra Allen

Danielle Murray

Monica Sue-Ann Matthews-Rios

Gargi (@captain_lunareine)

Mary Clements

Savannah Dickerson

Amanda Huggett

If you see your name here (or on any of the past hourly posts!), check the Prize Page to select your prize. And stay tuned for more chances to win for the rest of the day!

Reminder: This 24in48, we’re trying to log every book read this weekend! Track your books as you finish them here, and follow along on Goodreads!

HOUR 24: Meet Me Halfway

Guys, Day 1 of 24in48 is in the books! You’ve hit that mystical midway point, and by the official clock, it is midnight on Saturday night/Sunday morning. By now, you’re probably calculating how many hours you’ve read, how many you’ve got left to read on Day 2, and whether you’ll be able to go to sleep soon (psst, you totally can!).

Hopefully you’ve gotten a ton of reading done and you can cruise tomorrow. Even if you haven’t and are trying to figure out how to squeeze 20 hours of reading in, do yourself a favor and prep for your Sunday reading time, kick your feet up, and ready the coffeemaker for the morning. No matter what Day 1 looked like for you, Kristen, Kerry, and I are all so impressed with you and think you’re absolutely killing it.

Character from Two Broke Girls saying Nailed It

Before you crawl into bed for the night, we’ve got a few challenge winners to announce. First up, the Hour Zero Intro Survey Challenge post:

Kelleyn Hawley

Raghad Mahmoud

Melissa Crocker

Cristy Nelson

Kyra Felkins

Anthony Sanchez

Jenny Redlin

Kandecia Avery

Alanna Macron

Katie Salisbury

Terri Leonard

Kate Luistro

And winners from the Hour 18 WeNeedDiverseBooks Challenge:

Kristina Reid

Harry Brake

Brandy Cormier

Benni @LibraryBenni


Clara Luca

Day Saffran

Kristen Harvey

Laura Pamplona

Rebecca Haling

Stephanie Martinez

Nerea González Barral

If you won, make sure you go check out the prize page and enter your pick into the form. If you didn’t win here, don’t forget to go back to the posts from earlier today and check to see if you won a door prize or a challenge prize – you never know when your name might pop up!

We’re pumped for Day 2 and I hope you are too. Now go get some sleep!

Jon Bon Jovi singing at a microphone

(Like I could really write a halfway post without Bon Jovi. Yeah, right.)

Reminder: This 24in48, we’re trying to log every book read this weekend! Track your books as you finish them here, and follow along on Goodreads!