Hour 48 – We’re Done!

You guys! We made it!!!!! Not only did we make it, we werked it.

Okay, well, the readathon is done, but we’ve got a few quick things to get out of the way, like some winners!

First, the winner of the Welcome Intro Survey challenge is:

Lauren Cripps

And the winner of the Hour 42 Favorites challenge is:

Aya Sato

If you won a challenge giveaway during the ‘thon, expect an email from me this week to confirm which prize you want and all that nitty gritty stuff.

Next, what would an Intro survey be if there wasn’t a Closing survey to go along with it? No prize for this one but your answers will help make this readathon even better next time. The last time we did one of these there were close to 200 readers; for this go-around, you guys more than doubled that number (I know, I can hardly believe it myself). So with that kind of growth, I want to make sure this is as wonderful an experience as possible.

In the comments or on your own online space linked in the comments, please tell me:

  1. How many books did you read? Pages? (If you didn’t keep track, tell me that too!)
  2. How many hours did you read?
  3. What do you think worked well in this readathon?
  4. What do you think could be done to improve the readathon for next time?
  5. Will you participate in a future 24in48 readathon?

Also, I want to just say thank you to all of you readers – all 462 of you – who participated and tweeted and ‘grammed and YouTubed and generally spread the word about this amazing weekend of reading. Just a few years ago, this readathon had barely a few dozen participants, and I’m so excited that so many of you jumped in and made this readathon the fantastic weekend that it is. I hope you had as much fun as I did. You guys rule. Meryl thinks so too.

Last but not least, mark your calendars. The next official 24in48 readathon will be on

July 23-24, 2016

Can’t wait to see you then!


Hour 42 – Your Favorites

How’s everyone holding up? I know some of you are already done with the readathon, in which case, bravo. For those of you on the official clock, we’ve got 6 hours left, and now’s crunch time. Are you done with your 24 hours? Do you have some time on the stopwatch left to go? Is your brain mushy yet?

You guys posted some great book spine poetry, and I’ve got a winner from you poets:

Shana (@schuylerfan)

It’s dinnertime at 24in48 headquarters, and we’re making grilled caprese sandwiches (fresh mozzarella, basil, prosciutto, tomatoes, and a little olive oil, grilled between slices of Italian bread). They’re my favorite readathon sandwich because they’re super easy and really fresh.

Since we’re almost done with the ‘thon, I’m curious about your favorites from this weekend. In the comments, tell me: 1) your favorite book of the readathon, 2) your favorite snack/meal of the readathon, and 3) your favorite non-book, non-snack part of the readathon. 

I’ll choose one random person from the comments to win your choice of a $10 Starbucks giftcard, a $10 Amazon giftcard, or a book (US$10 or less) from the Book Depository in the last check-in post of the readathon in six hours.

Good luck in this very last home stretch, readathoners! You got this!

You can still fill out the Intro Survey for a chance to win too!



Hour 36 – Spine Poetry

Just 12 hours left to go in this readathon weekend and it’s been a wonderful one for me so far. I got a chance to hang out with one of my favs yesterday while we both ‘thoned, and my mom has been reading along with me as well. We’ve had a fire crackling all weekend, stew in the crockpot, and a sleepy golden retriever to keep our feet warm.

I hope everyone has had a great readathon as well, and is looking forward to this last home stretch. Speaking of stretching, right now, get up and do some jumping jacks, touch your toes, do a little downward dog, just something to get the blood moving. If you have an audiobook, why not take a quick 15 minute walk around the block? I’ll wait…go ahead.

Now that you’ve woken up a bit, how about announcing the winner for the Hour 30 – Show Your Shelfie challenge? The (completely random) winner is:


Since you’re hanging out by your bookshelves anyway and you’ve already woken up your body with that walk, how about a challenge to wake up your brain? For this check-in, take a look at your books and create a short piece of poetry using the titles on the spine. The vast majority of my books are in storage right now, so I don’t quiet have enough to create an example, but here’s a great one, thanks to Brain Pickings:

Pretty profound, huh?

To win, comment with a link to a photo of your book spine poetry. As with the previous challenges, one random person will win your choice of a $10 Starbucks gift card, $10 Amazon gift card or a book (US$10 or less) from Book Depository. You have until the next check in at Hour 42.

Happy reading!

Hour 30 – Show Your Shelfie

It’s 6am! ARE YOU UP?? (Chances are 50/50 whether I am right now, TBH). But through the magic of scheduling you guys get this early morning check-in post.

So how is everyone doing this morning? Making progress on your reading goals? Did you read as much as you wanted? I know that today seems like the easy day, especially if you spent all day yesterday with a book, but day two is deceptively more difficult. You’ve probably got a more limited attention span, a book or two in progress, and the normal interferences of life that you can put off for a day start to encroach. Stay strong, you can do it. We’ve got a long day left to go.

But I have more prizes to give out today, so hopefully that keeps you alert and attentive. This check-in’s challenge is an easy one. Snap a picture of yourself in front of your bookshelf (or shelves) and post it online. Leave a comment with a link to that photo in the comments and I’ll randomly choose one person to win your choice of a $10 Starbucks gift card, $10 Amazon gift card or a book (US$10 or less) from Book Depository.

And if anyone has magically filling bookshelves like these, I’m moving in.

*Don’t forget – you can still enter to win the Hour 6 – Survey challenge. It’s open until this readathon is over!

Hour 24 – Halfway Point

We are halfway there! I’m so impressed with you guys. It’s been an incredible first day and I’ve been having so much fun watching the #24in48 tag on Twitter and Instagram (and omg, you BookTubers have been killing it!). I’m almost having too much fun talking to ‘thoners – I’m losing valuable reading time myself.

I do have a winner to announce from the Hour 18 – Armchair Traveling challenge, but can I just say how fantastic all of your literary vacations sound? As soon as time traveling is a thing, I’m definitely doing all (okay…most) of these. But there can only be one winner and that winner is:

Kacie from A Bumble in Books

Since it’s late night on the east coast, no new challenge for you, but good luck to everyone still awake and pushing through (or you sneaky Aussies who are nearly done). I’m heading to bed for a few hours, and I’ll see you again in six hours at 6am.

Hour 18 – Armchair Traveler

Ciao, beautiful people! You guys are OWNING this readathon. (If this were 5 years ago, I would’ve said you were PWNING it, but I’m totally hip with the kids’ lingo, yo.)

(Not gonna lie, my favorite part of prepping for the readathon is gif hunting).

Before we get to the next check-in challenge, the winner for the Hour 12 – Reading Nook challenge is:


For this challenge, I want to talk about one of my favorite side-benefits of reading: armchair traveling. Reading a great book that is set in (or is directly about) a really awesome place is the next best thing to actually traveling there. And sometimes, one of the reasons I choose a book is purely for location, whether that place is real or not. Even better, if that place is also in a completely different time and it becomes armchair time-traveling.

One of the books I’m reading this weekend is the forthcoming The Queen of the Night which takes place in 19th century Paris, and that is definitely a time and place I’d love to visit on vacation. Pair that with the French Riviera in the 1920s, as in Liza Klaussman’s Villa Americaand the 1590’s London in Deborah Harkness’ second book in the Discovery of Witches trilogy, and I’ve got a pretty good vacation planned. (As long as I have all my shots, of course. No one needs the Black Death on vacation.)

In the comments, tell me what three destinations from books you’d combine to make your dream vacation. Real or not real, in this time or in another, anything goes. Where and when would you like to drop in to from literature?

I’ll pick a winner at the next check-in at midnight in six hours, to win your choice of a $10 Starbucks gift card, $10 Amazon gift card or a book (US$10 or less) from Book Depository.

Bon voyage!


Hour 12 – Reading Nook

We’re fully a quarter into the readathon, and if you’re getting a late start, WELCOME! Remember, it’s not too late to join the ‘thon. And if you’re reading along, don’t forget to officially sign up here. It helps me keep track of who is participating (and how many of you there are) and find you during the weekend to cheer you on. And if you win a prize, I can email you. Who doesn’t like that?

For this check-in, I want to see where you’re actually reading today. Take a picture of your reading nook or chair – wherever you’re perched – and post it someplace online, like Twitter or Instagram or Facebook, and leave a comment with the link. If you tag me on those platforms, I might not see it, so please leave a comment here.

So show me where you’re reading this weekend and one random commenter will win a $10 Starbucks giftcard, a $10 Amazon giftcard or a book (US$US or less) from Book Depository.

I’ll draw the winner at the next check-in in six hours at 6pm ET, so get your photos in and I’ll see you guys soon!

Hour Six – The Survey

Okay! I’m awake (I think). But I’ve got coffee and I’m ready to go!

We’re starting the morning strong – the first six hours are always the most telling – and there’s already lots of chatter on Twitter and Instagram about the ‘thon, especially since there are a number of you who don’t live in the U.S. and have been spending the last six hours deep in a book, not deep in the covers like me.

But if you’re following the official time clock, first thing in the morning is the perfect time to get the brain moving. So I’ve got an introductory survey, just some getting-to-know you questions, since we’re all about to spend the next 42 hours together.

You can either post the answers to this survey in a comment below or post them somewhere online and comment here with a link. (If you tag @24in48readathon on Twitter, make sure you add a comment here because I may not see it and it might not get counted.)

  1. Where in the world are you reading from this weekend?
  2. Have you done the 24in48 readathon before?
  3. Where did you hear about the readathon?
  4. What book are you most excited about reading this weekend?
  5. Tell us something about yourself.
  6. Remind us where to find you online this weekend.

I’ll randomly draw one person who completes the survey to win your choice of a $10 Starbucks gift card, $10 Amazon gift card or your choice of a book (US$10 or less) from Book Depository. This contest will be open for the whole weekend and I’ll post the winner in the final check-in post at midnight ET tomorrow, so if you’re joining in late, you can still win this one.

It’s that easy.

Happy reading, ‘thoners, and I’ll see you back here in six hours!


Welcome to #24in48 – January 2016 Edition!

It begins! Hold onto your hats, kids – we’re about to dive into a weekend of awesome. Right now, it is 12:01am ET and I am, as always, asleep when this shindig starts. Because this is – after all – the readathon for people who like to sleep. Some of you are starting now, whether this is because you’re in a different timezone or you’re a night owl who likes to get a jump on things. And some of you are sleeping just like me.

If you’re just now discovering the ‘thon or have been unsure of your weekend plans, you can still sign up and do so throughout the weekend.

I’ve heard from lots of you about your plans for this weekend and some of you have excellent readathons lined up. Someone’s tackling FOUR Haruki Murakami novels and another readathoner is doing nothing but short stories – 24 of them to be exact. And some of you are working your reading into an already busy weekend with audiobooks and ebooks on the go. No matter what your strategy for the next 48 hours, its guaranteed to be a good readathon.

Check in here every six hours for posts and challenges to win PRIZES and help break up your reading time. They’re gonna be great, I promise 🙂

Follow along on Twitter at @24in48readathon and keep up with your fellow readers with the hashtag #24in48 on Twitter and Instagram.

Those are the details, but here are a few other reminders:

  • Even though the “rules” say that the goal is to read for 24 out of 48 hours, it’s just a number to shoot for. The real goal of this weekend is to set aside some serious quality time to do nothing but read with a bunch of other people doing the exact same thing. Your time reading still counts even if you don’t hit 24 hours.
  • Take a break, get some sleep, eat well. This is a marathon, not a sprint. And it’s supposed to be low pressure. Don’t kill yourself.
  • That being said, try to start with a rough schedule so that you don’t overextend yourself on Sunday night, if you are shooting for that 24 hour mark. Give yourself more time to read on Saturday than you think you’re going to need, because you undoubtedly won’t have as much as you think.
  • You can’t win a prize unless you’ve signed up on the main sign up post, so definitely do that. If you win, I’ll be emailing you in the next week to collect your details, so make sure your info is accurate.

I’ll be back at 6am ET with the next update!

Happy readathon! I’m so excited!

Prep for #24in48: What to Read?

Are you staring at your shelves, planning for the readathon and feeling overwhelmed, like me? Get a stack of books for Christmas or Chanukah and don’t know where to start? Or want to change things up in 2016?

I’ve got some ideas for you. As it’s a new year, everyone seems to be making reading resolutions, of all kinds, and the readathon is a great excuse to get a jump start on those resolutions.

I have to plug the 2016 Book Riot Read Harder Challenge, since I wrote it. It’s 24 tasks, designed to help you expand your reading horizons and help you push yourself to read things you might not otherwise would have. It’s so much fun and there is a Goodreads group (along with the suggestions in the linked post) to help you with the tasks.

Personally, I’ll be fulfilling the task for reading out loud to someone else be regaling my dog with a story, preferably one that requires a lot of voices.

If you’re looking for some comics to read during the readathon, also check out the 2016 Panels Read Harder Challenge, which is the same idea as the Book Riot Read Harder Challenge but for comics.

If you’ve got mountains of books in your house that just never seem to get read (despite the fact that you keep buying new ones), check out Andi’s #ReadMyOwnDamnBooks challenge which is exactly what it sounds like. Pull your readathon list from the books you already own and feel a little better about that other resolution to buy fewer books/spend less money.

Do you have a similar problem with ebooks? Kerry’s #CleanYourReader challenge runs until March and is all about finally reading some of those ebooks filling up your reader. I’ve definitely got a couple of romance novels I’m planning on reading during the ‘thon from my reader.

Looking for more ideas? Check out Bustle’s list of 9 Reading Challenges to take on in 2016 (it includes the Read Harder Challenge too).

I hope that gives you some ideas and some inspiration for the readathon. In the next few weeks, I’ll be posting a few more ideas and suggestions for your weekend ‘thon. If you haven’t signed up already, what are you waiting for?? Join the 80+ readers already participating.