Hour 24: Oh We’re Halfway There…

Listen, I’M not punchy, YOU’RE PUNCHY.

No, but really, how’s everyone doing? It’s the halfway mark on this ‘thon, and you guys have been reading like whoa. I’m so super impressed with the number of books you’ve been putting away. I’m trying to keep up, but there’s legit so many of you, but only one of me (I swear, it’s just one person back here). How about some prizes to make up for it?

The winners of Hour Zero’s Intro Survey prize are:

Katie Hardin

Katja Nielsen


And the winner of Hour 18’s Spine Poetry challenge is:


If you’re still up (or you’re on the other side of the world), let me know how it’s going for you? What’s the best book you’ve read so far? The worst? Any that you’re still looking forward to? Have you slept at all? And most importantly, what’s the best snack/food you’ve had?


52 thoughts on “Hour 24: Oh We’re Halfway There…

  1. I finished Crooked Kingdom and absolutely loved it. I’m about halfway through Bad Feminist and I’m really liking it so far as well. Probably the best essay collection I’ve read.

    Tonight for dinner my husband made carnitas…sooo tasty! 😄

    And now I’m starting to nod off as I read so time for a few hours of sleep.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Jess. says:

    7 hours so far – graphic novel, parts of a audiobook, and almost done with a 400+ page paperback. Not expecting to get the full 24 hours, but I’m happy nonetheless. 🙂
    No real snacks throughout the day, but had a refreshing dinner of pho tonight.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I’m up for now, but probably just for a couple more hours, then need to get some rest. I just finished LaRose by Louise Erdrich and am searching around for my next read. Maybe A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness? On the snack front, I had some excellent pizza crescent pockets and homemade chocolate cake. Don’t worry, I also had broccoli 😄

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Cindy says:

    I’m starting Day 2, so far I’ve read a little over 9 hours. My favorite reads thus far are Guapa and Born a Crime but I haven’t finished them yet, so that’s my top priority for this morning! Best of luck to everyone!


  5. Just finished Sweet Tooth vol 1 and that’s probably my favorite thing so far. I’ve hit the 8 hr mark and finished 3 books & I feel pretty good about that.

    My fave food today was some chicken biscuits. Yuuuuum!


  6. I haven’t had the chance to read as much as I would have liked to but I’m almost finished with The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao and I still have The Sun is Also a Star on my TBR for this weekend.

    Best snack? I made some french fries, I was really hungry! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Piper Farr says:

    About 11 hours so far, finished one book I had already been reading before the ‘thon and am almost finished with another one! (Both 300+ page novels). I want to read at least an hour or two more and then get some sleep! The best snack I had were these organic root veggie chips! So yummy!


  8. We’re in the same time-zone but I’m totally a night owl! I could do 2-3 more hours if my eyes weren’t so tired… my mind definitely can go for long! haha
    I’m currently taking a 30 minute break to eat something and watch a FRIENDS episode, then I want to do one more hour before going to bed 🙂

    Also, my best snack was… (lolnotasnackbutimcountingit) TACOS!


  9. Jenni says:

    I’m still up, but going to bed very soon. Favorite book for far is News of the World, and I haven’t read anything I didn’t like. Best snack food is (always) ice cream!!


  10. Got 10 hours under my belt with a couple more to go before I pass out completely. Really happy I chose the Redwall series to read. Always meant to get to it – sweet little escape for sure. Fav snacks so far – Almond Joy and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups! G’night!


  11. Much as I wanted the full 24 hours, I’ve realized there’s no way it’s happening. I’m not even a full four hours in because I slept too long this morning and my boyfriend distracted me most of the day with things like walks and Gilmore Girls.

    On the other hand, I am rapidly coming to the end of my first book, so that’s a plus at least.


  12. Almost at 10 hours in, but went to a march which cut my day in half, so I’m not making the progress I usually like to by this time. I am loving The Discovery of Witches, but it’s a long one so it’s going to be a hot second before I finish it. I think I will try desperately to finish it tonight and then speed read, uninterrupted tomorrow with some faster/ thinner fare to get some numbers on the board. All in all, I had a fantastic day!


  13. let me know how it’s going for you? A bit slow but I’ve made it passed the halfway point!

    What’s the best book you’ve read so far? Hidden figures for sure!!

    The worst? Nothing has been bad, but my least favorite was Nile Styles.

    Any that you’re still looking forward to?
    Still looking forward to the book Moriarty. Started it awhile back but got inturrupted with a wedding… my own. 😆

    Have you slept at all?
    I started at midnight last night, slept about 7 hours, got up and kept at it. Only stopped for meals!

    And most importantly, what’s the best snack/food you’ve had? I’ve been consuming copious amounts of vegetable soup. I made a huge pot to last us all weekend. It’s very yummy and great for a rainy weekend!


  14. Just made it to 12 hours! My favorite book so far today is The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving a Fuck by Sarah Knight. And I made cinnamon sugar doughnuts and Chex mix and I refuse to choose which was a better snack! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Still up! But I slept not long after everything started, being on the West Coast. I’ve finished Kindred and Bitch Planet so far. I liked Bitch Planet best, but it wasn’t quite so heavy as Kindred. I had the audio for Hyperion going for a while, but I’m taking a break from that to finally dive into Crooked Kingdom. So excited!


  16. Just finished 12hrs and am heading to bed. Am really enjoying Morrison’s voice in Sula – can’t wait to finish that tomorrow. Am not particularly loving On the Noodle Road, the travel memoir I picked up, but I’ll soldier through it for the Read Harder Challenge. It may still have some good information to glean.


  17. Lizpixie says:

    I’ve done almost 13hrs so far, it’s almost 5pm here in Sydney and it’s hot! I fell asleep at 6am till 2pm, had some coffee and teabun and am kicking on nicely. Just about to finish my 2nd book, some graphic novels are up next, then my looked forward to book, Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee. That should take me till early hours of tomorrow morning, a few hours sleep then back again till the big finale!


  18. Oh, I feel like I’ve slept most of the readathon, last night and I might’ve slept a couple of hours in the afternoon and it’s already 11pm . I’ve read a couple of chapters of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and tried to finish Requiem. So far I’ve managed to read 3 hours.


  19. Deb in Hawaii says:

    Halfway there and some change and I am at 14:45 hours at 7:45 PM & still going fairly strong at the moment I wanted to hit 16 hours before bed & I think I will. Plus it is very noisy windy here so I have a feeling I won’t sleep much anyway., I am mixing up books so have only finished one so far but I will finish another tonight and my audio book had about 2 hrs left for tomorrow. Born a Crime is awesome. Best snack was running out today for a honey-cinnamon soy latte & a sundried tomato bagel but I am about to break for a chocolate LU cookie or three. 😆


  20. blampard29 says:

    I’m in South Australia and it’s hot! Going good, have 5 hours left to complete! The best book I read (well finished) was Cinder by Marisa Meyer! Loved it! Just finished The Distance Between Us by Kasie West (started during readathon) and loved it too! I’m still going strong with The Order of the Phoenix. Such a big book though! Haven’t read any bad books yet! I have slept a little and I’m a bit off schedule but I’ll be able to finish it! I am sleep deprived though and my body (mostly head) is feeling it! I’ve been filling up on Doritos, frogs alive lollies and mini chocolate honeycombs. Since I don’t drink coffee I’ve been drinking coke and hot milo (but gotta stop drinking that cos it make me sleepy)!!


  21. Willow Star Serenity Blog says:

    It’s going great for me so far! I’m loving it! The best book I’ve read so far is Elementals 5: The Hands of Time. I don’t have a worst. I’m looking forward to starting a series I’ve been wanting to finish. I’ve slept 6 hours and rested 2. Best snack I had was my Kit Kats until SOMEBODY ate them all! “But Nicole, you’re the only one that eats chocolate in the house.” DARN IT!


  22. With a little less than 24 hours to go, I have 12 more hours to read! As long as the spinach dip and spaghettios hold out, I should be good to go :p
    All that I’ve read so far has been great, especially The Wild Robot by Peter Brown, a middle grade book about a robot living among animals in the wilderness that is an absolute delight!


  23. Abi Ainley says:

    I had an “oh dear lord” moment at the mention of snacks. Two packs of oreos and a pack of kettle chips. I thought I could do it throughout my all-nighter but the half a pack of mint oreos and half a pack of kettle chips across my room are making feel ill. :’) This is a moment where I need a “you tried” sticker.

    I’ve only read The Noise of Time and The Improbable Theory of Ana & Zac but I’ve been reading for 13 hours. I blame it on the fact that I’m so easily distracted and often find myself following a complex but absolutely unrelated thought pattern instead of reading. This is another moment where I need a “you tried” sticker.


  24. Simona says:

    I’m reading my third book and the best was (so far) short story by Leo Tolstoy ‘How Much Land Does A Man Need?’ and my favorite snack is chocolate (always).


  25. Rachael says:

    I’m just over 6 hours reading time in and I’ve read two of the five books I was hoping to read. I’m reading Tamora Pierce’s Protector of the Small series, and it’s really good! My best snack today were some cinnamon rolls my husband surprised me with! I’m probably off to bed soon, but happy so far!


  26. unidragonfrag says:

    Some distractions (D&D, cooking, kiddo) but so far I’m at 5&1/2 hours. Not likely to get to 24, but we’ll see. Just finished the first book I started with a few bouts of other readings through the day. Going to power through the midnight oil. Got a game of D&D to play tomorrow so that’s going to cut a few hours out.

    Best snack? Raspberry yogurt covered pretzels – yum!


  27. I’m still up and reading, with 10 hours of reading time clocked up, not too shabby. I’ve finished just 462 pages, though, and only one book is on my completed stack. I’m hoping to focus a bit better for the rest of this evening. I finished an Ngaoi Marsh mystery tonight, which was quite good, and worked out that I’m just not in the mood for short stories this weekend. I’ll still try to finish the collection I started reading yesterday, but I’m starting a Cecelia Ahern novel tonight, I think. My snacks are Ritz crackers and sour cream dip, and Grasshopper cookies, so far.


  28. Donna Abate says:

    It’s only about 11pm here and I’m thrilled that I clocked in 13 hours so far. I’m hoping to finish The Joy Luck Club before I hit the sack. It’s my reread of an old classic, and now I remember why I enjoyed it so much. Thanks for making the readathon so much fun. And you’re running it all by yourself? Wow! I hope you’re giving yourself a big prize for that along with a good supply of caffeine. Rock on!

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Jen says:

    I’m still up! It’s just turned midnight here in Tucson, Arizona, and I’m almost to the halfway point in my second book. Since I’ve only read one book, and this second book has werespiders as the bad guys (*shudder*), I would have to say that my first book is my favorite song far.

    I’m reading the Otherworld/Sisters of the Moon series by Yasmine Galenorn and book one was (is) Witchling. It’s a great story, and a wonderful book one. 🙂

    I slept last night, but I might not sleep tonight. (Did I mention that this book’s antagonists are werespiders? Eek!) At least, I’m going to try my best to finish this book, Changeling, before giving in to the need for sleep. 😉


    • Jen says:

      Oops, once again I forgot to address all of the questions. Sorry!

      Books I’m looking forward to reading? I’m still hoping to read books three and four, though I have the feeling that I’ll be lucky to start book four.

      I haven’t yet been reading for 12 hours, and considering that I will need to sleep at some point, I’m not sure I’m going to make it to 24 hours of reading. 😦

      But I’m sure going to try!

      As for favorite snacks, I had some Ruffles earlier. And I had some Mother’s Circus Animal cookies a couple of hours ago. One fed my desire for something salty, while the other fed my wish for something sweet. 🙂


  30. Almost done with the audiobook of A Man Called Ove and it is sooo gooood! Ove is like Carl from Up or Clint Eastwood’s character from Gran Torino: a disgruntled old man set in his ways who finds the new young family living next door to be extremely exasperating.


  31. I just woke up from a good night’s rest and I’m ready to power through the remaining hours of the ‘thon. My favourite book so far is The Island of Dr Moreau by HG Wells, although The Selection by Kierra Cass is a close second. They’re entirely different but I like it.
    I’m not much for snacking, but I drink lots of tea instead. Mint tea is what got me stay up until after midnight.


  32. I’ve only finished one book so far: Anne of the Island–loved it! Looking forward to tackling more of The Wicked Will Rise by Danielle Paige and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith. Getting ready to sleep now, a little later but not as far along as I’d planned. A friend heated up some white chili for me! Yum!


  33. Lesley says:

    14 hours in and I’ve probably got another hour in me before sleepy time.
    Best book so far: Don’t Try This at Home by Angela Readman.
    Worst: well nothing has been terrible, but I wasn’t super impressed with Dark Melody of Madness, mainly because it turns out I’ve read a majority of the stories in that collection before in other books. Ah well.
    Best snack: apples & peanut butter (I’m a simple gal)


  34. I’ve got 13 hours under my belt so far and I won’t be going to bed for awhile yet, so I think I might still be able to complete this!

    Best book so far? Hm…the first volume of Night School was really good. I thought I’d like Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods a bit more than I did, but it was still pretty okay.

    I’m just about to start Heartless, which I’ve been looking forward to since I got it in a past OwlCrate. I’m so far behind on the Lunar Chronicles, it’ll be nice to read a standalone by Melissa Meyer not too long after it was published.

    I slept a bit yesterday morning, I think about five hours? My eyes are a bit sore, but I’m surprisingly good at staying awake. I have no idea where that’s coming from!

    The best food so far was the bacon pizza rolls for supper last night. Those were way better than I thought they were going to be and I wish I had gotten a second bag!


  35. Just woken up here in the UK!

    I have my strong cup of tea and I’m ready other begin again!

    Today’s agenda, get through a chunk of Wizard And Glass, and read more of the beautiful Duran Gray 👐

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  36. This has been so fun! The best book so far has been Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari. I’m still working on The Eyre Affair and it is so good!
    Also, I’m on the whole30 this month so I’ve mostly been doing fruits as snacks!


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