Hour Fifteen: Change It Up

Are you a readathon pre-planner? Do you set aside a stack of books and plan out your weekend ‘thon schedule, down to the meals and snacks you’re planning on eating? Or do you fly by the seat of your pants? No matter what kind of readathon-er you are, sometimes things just aren’t working. Your favorite reading chair is suddenly uncomfortable. Or you keep picking up books that aren’t grabbing you. Or you’re distracted by social media or your family or your cat who has suddenly become very needy.

Whatever kind of ‘thon you’ve planned, inevitably you’ll hit a point where the gears stop moving. And when that happens, don’t be afraid to shake things up. Switch locations, switch books, switch formats (seriously, trying an ebook or an audiobook when you’ve been doing only print can work wonders). Even if you have to get out of your house for a quick walk around the block to reset yourself, do it. Or if you’re lucky enough to have a hammock (and good weather), take a book out and spend an hour in nature.

How do you change it up when your readathon mojo is broken? Do you have an alternate plan when you’re feeling off?

Do readathon prizes help? Oh good, cause I’ve got some more!

Callahan Davenport (@thirdculturekid15 on Instagram)

Andrea Eastman (@leprechaun416 on Instagram)

Emily Blaeser (@emilydblaeser on Twitter)

Alyssa (@apchaney on Twitter)

Laura Mezirka (lauramezirka.blog)

Danielle Murray (@tsukasa1025 on Instagram)

Catherine Gousetis (@c.gousetis on Instagram)

Zoeya (@zoebookobsessed on Twitter)

Don’t forget to enter the Hour 12 Roadtrip challenge and you’ve got until Hour 24 to complete the Intro Survey too! You’ve got another three hours.

104 thoughts on “Hour Fifteen: Change It Up

  1. jangoodell says:

    I am lucky to have a large yard and can move to different areas. Small house so good thing weather’s fine. I also selected a variety of reads. IF a book slows down, set it aside for Monday and pick up another. Classics and pastoral move too slow for extended hot weather reads. Also, the dogs would like a walk so take them already!


  2. I prepare and Plan a bit before, but not much. I always make sure I have shorter, light books to read between. Manga, graphic novels. I make sure there’s food and snacks, and I decide the books I most likely will read, But give myself lots of options to switch it up, different formats, different Genres. I usually create a TBR Pile of about 10-20 books that I would Most like to read, So During the Read-a-thon I have lots of Options, and I can DNF books that aren’t holding my Attention, or switch books.


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