Hour 24: Snacks and Stacks

Guys, you’re halfway there!! (Okay, the official timeclock is halfway there.)

You’ve totally got it under control. But, ya know, Sunday is notoriously harder than Saturday on the readathon calendar, deceptively so. You think you know what you’ve got left, you probably got a lot of reading done, and you’re feeling confident. But Sunday is the day when responsibilities that were neglected creep back in, the lethargy from sitting and reading can spell unexpected naps, and you might have trouble getting into that next book because you’ve had a good run so far. So give yourself permission right now to go to bed if you need to, take a break, get some sleep, and start fresh tomorrow.

If you’re a night owl or if you’re not based on the east coast of the US (which is probably most of you), I’ve got another challenge for you. In the comments, leave a photo (or a comment) of your snacks or your stack of books for this readathon weekend. I want to see what’s on your TBR and your TBE (that’s To Be Eaten, obvi). Mostly I want to live vicariously through all of your yummy food and your pretty, pretty stacks. You’ve got until Hour 30 to enter (that’s six hours from now).

Oh, but before you go, the winners of the Hour Zero Intro Challenge are:

Jessica Jones (@coverdinrust on Litsy)

Steven Karalash (@mysternightowl on Twitter)

Joshua Peacock (@lightwoodreads on Twitter)

Caryn Livingston (@ughnowayicant on Twitter)

Jessica (@irishmlsmrose on Litsy)

Dodibus (@dodibus_ on Instagram)

Leah Weyand (@leah on Litsy)

Dani Park (@danipark__ on Instagram)

Ruzaika (@ruzaikadeen14 on Twitter)

Jen Greenlees (@reader44ever on Twitter)

And the winners of the Hour 18 Diverse Books challenge are:

Kayli Enterline (@chasing-pages on Litsy)

Melissa (@kangaj1 on Litsy)

Sarah vanOphuijsen (@hardcoverhearts on Litsy)

Christine Croft (@christine on Litsy)

Nephele Tempest (@nepheletempest on Twitter)

Emmy at Beaches and Books

Vera L (@verasbroccoli on Instagram)

Dominique Marlow (@piratesnpixdust on Twitter)

Candice Zablan (@booksbaconglttr on Twitter)

Laura Krossner (@hardcoverharlot on Litsy)

See you in three!

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