Hour Fifteen: Stick to the Plan

What’s your reading strategy for this weekend? Are you reading comics? Novellas? Short books? A series? Or one long doorstopper? I’m personally taking bites out of a few different books I’m in a middle of, plus an audiobook or two.  Are you reading on a theme? From a set TBR? Or just whatever strikes your fancy? Need some inspiration? Check out this post I put up earlier this week.

Let’s give some books away, okay? Our next three door prize winners are:

Audra (Unabridged Chick)


Ashley Rae

Have you checked in on social media with the hashtag #24in48? Don’t forget to cheer on your fellow readathoners this weekend.

And don’t forget to check the previous check-in posts from Hours Three, Six, Nine, and Twelve to see if you won a prize.

75 thoughts on “Hour Fifteen: Stick to the Plan

  1. I had three volumes of comics planned for this event, but I wanted to reread previous volumes in two of the series so I ended up reading five volumes at the beginning with one volume to go. I also have a couple shorter reads (Get Your Shit Together and The Vagina Monologues) as well as longer YA reads from the library (Heartless and Three Dark Crowns). If I manage to get through everything I’ll start The Lesser Bohemians for book club. This is my first readathon in a while that has no poetry so something may end up sneaking in at the end. In short, I’m all over the place.


  2. Brianna says:

    I’m going with a #ReadersResist theme because I’m feeling politically itchy! Excited to learn more and read some nonfiction sprinkled with novels and audiobook! I’m reading in a big circle of books chapter by chapter. :^)


  3. Deb in Hawaii says:

    I have a stack of books & e-books to choose from-different genres and styles because I’m a moody reader. I also have audio books which came in handy when I woke up with a major headache this morning.


  4. Katie says:

    I plan to finish as many of my current reads as I can and start some new books. I’m reading mostly paperbacks and also listening to a couple of audiobooks. Most of my books are fantasy genre, but that is more coincidence than a planned theme.


  5. Kris says:

    I am tackling a book group pick plus a couple of books that I’m halfway through. None of them is a short book, though, so I am keeping track of the number of pages I read. Having a ball so far!


  6. I finished a book I was in the middle of, and now am reading two chapters from a book I’m having a book club discussion with tomorrow. After those two ill go on to another book I’ve been dying to read! Enjoy, everyone!


  7. unidragonfrag says:

    Well, I’m sticking with shorter books, short stories, and trying to finish the audio book and library book I’m currently reading. No theme, though maybe next year I could.. that sounds fun!


  8. Amy Harris says:

    I’ve got a stack going – no particular order. But I am reading a short story from a few different collections between each one.


  9. iceangel9 says:

    I’m also perusing a variety of materials. I’m reading one doorstop (By Gaslight) and several other books, as well as a smattering of literary mags (Kenyon Review) and an audio book while I’m driving and working around the house.


  10. Lesley says:

    I’m mainly sticking to novellas and short story collections – with a few graphic novels here and there. It’s working well so far!


  11. My “theme” I guess would be feminism and fantasy. I got some books from the library that I’ve been wanting to read including Crooked Kingdom, Fate of the Tearling, and Bad Feminist. I’m also hoping to get a start on Heartless and I may pick up my copy of the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets to read during the commercials of the Packer game!


  12. I’m back from a long run to the stores. 75 mile round trip for groceries. That’s the price for getting to live under wide open everything, I guess. But, yea for audio books! I’m reading/listening to State of Wonder, The Underground Railroad, The Invisible Thread. I think I’m going to look up some feminist essays on the web for tonight’s reading.


  13. Jen says:

    I’m reading a series, and hoping to make it through at least four of the 18 books in it. What series? The Otherworld/Sisters of the Moon series by Yasmine Galenorn. 🙂

    Thus far, I’ve been reading for nearly six hours and I’ve finished the first book: Witchling by Yasmine Galenorn.

    It’s been my plan to start this series for at least the week prior to the #24in48 ‘Thon. And so far, my plan is progressing nicely. 🙂

    I have various posts about having finished my first book:
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jen_fromWA/status/822977007579463680
    Tumblr: http://reader44ever.tumblr.com/post/156192244702/24in48-readathon-status-update-ive-read-for
    Litsy: @reader44ever – http://litsy.com/p/dzVRSFhoRkRt
    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/552370401



  14. I started out reading a short manga series, four volumes, and then a standalone manga. That got me going and was a huge jolt to my confidence! I just finished a bit of a big one (300 pages) which felt like a big accomplishment in one day. Usually I get distracted and can’t finish things. This weekend has been a huge boost to my reading challenge! 😀

    I don’t really have a theme going. The manga was urban fantasy, animals, then a Greek fantasy. Next I’m due for a fairy-tale retelling.


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